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The Friends School of Atlanta

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The Annual Fund

Supporting the Annual Appeal stands as a vital avenue through which families, faculty, staff, trustees, alumni, alumni families, and other supporters can contribute to The Friends School of Atlanta. Just as Quaker principles permeate every aspect of FSA's ethos, the Annual Appeal reaches into all facets of the FSA experience, nurturing and guiding the development of our students' hearts, minds, and spirits.

Like many independent schools, FSA relies on the success of its Annual Appeal to bridge the financial gap between the true cost of education and the revenue from tuition and fees. Meeting our Annual Appeal target each year is crucial to fully funding the operating budget, enabling FSA to provide competitive compensation and benefits to its faculty and staff, cover instructional expenses and staff development, and maintain a safe and conducive campus environment.

Beyond its financial significance, the Annual Appeal serves as a testament to the commitment of the FSA community to the school's success. Demonstrating loyalty through contributions to the Annual Appeal sends a powerful message to external funders, indicating the depth of support for The Friends School of Atlanta. Whether large or small, every donation positively impacts FSA's ability to fulfill its mission and serve its students, enhancing opportunities for growth and excellence.

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